I has awesome.


Hell Bent Garage Reemergence?

Hell Bent

As many know, my shop has gone through a few iterations. I’ve let it sort of fade to the back burner over the course of the last two years between family issues, moving to Texas, moving back to Florida, and then partnering up with two separate businesses. Well, the time has come to pull this one back up to the front burner, I think.

1603 Tattoo

With 1603 Tattoo now up and running under the direct supervision of my good friend and business partner, Skip, our focus is being shifted the the salon boutique we’re also opening soon.

Metamorphys BLB

Metamorphys Beauty Lounge Boutique (BLB) will be a fantastic spot for clients to come and be pampered. Whether it be color, cut, or what have you, they will have it done with style, grace, and a glass full of wine! Tentative opening in mid-November, so be on the look out! (Website coming soon)

That said, I might as well just dump an extra heap of responsibilities on my plate and revisit the shop that got me where I am today. I’ll maintain an appointment only basis, focusing on low volume turnout and extreme attention to detail. I’m excited to get back into the shop and turn some wrenches again! Hopefully, I’ll also be writing more articles for Revved Mag in the near future, too.

So, keep your eyes peeled for occasional updates from Hell Bent Garage!

Stuck between a rock and a hard place

Earlier this year, I began dating the most amazing woman. She has this awesome 3 year old son that I’ve become incredibly attached to. I recently moved them in to my cozy, historic Ybor home.

Seriously. Look at this place.

Seriously. Look at this place.

But now, I’m being forced to make a decision for our financial future. Do we stay here where I love the location, or do we move into the home I purchased last January? I love the other home, but it isn’t exactly in the nicest of neighborhoods. Luckily, both the previous owners and my current tenant have had no issues due to location.

Fixer upper

Fixer upper

This other home is very cool and since I bought it with cash, we will be able to live rent free. It also has a large detached workshop that would allow me to close my current off site shop rental. Combining both would save me about $1800/mo. This would also allow me to put money into the home and remodel it for the next few years in an effort to possibly turn a profit. Or who knows, maybe the neighborhood will improve further and cause us to stay? I just don’t have the money to invest into the home to suit another possible tenant’s happiness while paying for a rental myself.

Either way, moving into this home will save us a ton of money each month and since li’l man isn’t old enough for school yet, I don’t have to worry about school zoning and quality.

I promise i’ll update more frequently than just “yearly”

Oh, Ybor.

Oh, Ybor.

Ybor City. The true melting pot of Tampa. This past year of moving back and settling myself in has really come with some amazing highlights. People that were once labeled as friends can now be called family. Some that were just acquaintances have been upgraded to friends. Hell, i even met all new folks! With these winds of change, can also come heart break. I saw friends die, business opportunities comes and go, and made some amazing decisions. One of those is forming a partnership with Skip Sampson in the 1603 Tattoo Collective Studio. While the team (Marcus, JC, Skip and Panda) is slaving away in a temporary location, work is underway for the new facility. I can’t reveal any details yet, but you better hold onto your butts! This is going to be huge.


This year also brought about finding myself and working to better my shitty habits and taming *some* of my vices. I’ve officially quit smoking, lessened my drinking, and am waging a battle against ‘dad bod’. This came with really trying to get involved in more physical activities. And with that, i began learning the basics of Brazilian Jiu Jitsu with my good friend Dee Mckinzie at Ybor City Jiu Jitsu Club. These guys are stellar! Dee has taken me under his wing to get me up to speed before i dive, head first, into the classes.


Things also changed in my personal love life. Go figure. I happened to find someone with an equal distaste in AC/DC and it just so happens she kinda pretty, too.


So far she’s put up with my drunken rants and wild hijinks. She’s winced when I mentioned doing hood rat things with my hood rat friends and worried about me when I bought a dual-purpose dirt bike.

how sweet is this thing?!

how sweet is this thing?!

But, this is what she’s signed up for! We’ll see what kind of trouble I can get myself and her 3 year old son, Robbie, into.


so, there’s that. I’m sure this update will make both of my followers jump with glee to know that I’m still alive. I’ve just been busy living life.

8Ball Coast 2 Coast Website!

8 Ball C2C

8 Ball Coast 2 Coast

That’s right you hell raisers! The new 8Ball C2C website it up! Register, flip through a few pics, connect with us… you get the idea.


Register for the 8 Ball COAST 2 COAST

Remember, kiddos: Registration ends March 31st for the 1st Annual 8Ball Coast 2 Coast Poker Run!!





I’m back, and running on borrowed time

So, been away from the site for a bit (not that i contributed much in the first place), but I needed to handle some shit. Between a divorce, a death in the family, and then pops being in ICU for a bit, things have been hectic. But, things progress and i’m moving along. Living in Ybor City, FL, has shown me a few things.

1) you can always get stabbed anywhere at night

2) tranny hookers are willing to trade Checker’s chicken sandwiches for BJs

3) the human liver is able to sustain an immense amount of abuse for days at a time

So, keep an eye out for me. If tits are involved, it’s a sure thing that i’m close by…


hey assholes

Big things are coming! Check back soon!!