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Posts tagged “Redline

8 Ball Coast 2 Coast

Hey, do YOU like 80’s themed poker runs? Do YOU like Spring Break in Daytona?! DO YOU WANT TO SCORE SOME SCRATCH?!?!?!!

Us, too.


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Welcome to the First Annual 8 Ball Coast 2 Coast Rally!!

This will be a 5 stop poker run from a currently undisclosed starting point (TBA shortly before event) and ending in Daytona Beach on Saturday, April 6th, 2013. Each stop will be ran by one of our AMAZING title sponsors!

Sponsors include:

Pabst Blue Ribbon

Pabst Blue Ribbon


SPOT’s The Bricks of Ybor

1603 Tattoo

1603 Tattoo

Redline Design Custom Vinyl

Redline Design Custom Vinyl

Blasfome Clothing

Blasfome Clothing

Rev Works

Rev Works


And more to be announced!

This event will also include a 5 item scavenger hunt. Each item (of which there is only one of – so get there first!) will be worth a wildcard on your poker hand!!

Each paid entry (one entry per driver/car) will get you a custom 8 Ball Coast 2 Coast t-shirt, sticker, flyer and other misc shwag! Each sponsor will also be handing out their own brand on nonsensical shwag for you to covet until the end of days!

Note: If you are a passenger in a car, you cannot participate in the poker hand unless you also purchase an entry. One poker hand per paid entry (cards to be supplied day of event)

Click to enter >>>Enter Now! <<< Click to enter

Rules of the event:

This is a poker run, not a race. 8 Ball coast 2 Coast, its affiliates and sponsors will NOT be held responsible for any/all legal troubles your dumb, speeding ass gets into. Got a speeding ticket? Sorry for your loss. Hopefully you get the best poker hand and will be able to pay for it.

Paying your entry fee does NOT guarantee that you’ll win big money. But, it WILL get you plenty of awesome, useless stuff (t-shirt, stickers, etc)

Best poker hand at the end of the rally yields 25% of entry fees collected. (example: 100 entries =  $5,000. 1st place winner would win $1,250.00!). 2nd place wins 10% and 3rd place 5%

One entry fee = one poker hand card. Have four people in your car? One entry is cool, but only one person can get their card filled out. Passengers can also pay entry if they wish to participate in the poker hand portion of the day. If they don’t wish to, that’s cool, they can just ride along for the antics. Each poker card MUST be stamped at each stop in order to qualify to win. Yes, we have custom stamps at each stop so you can’t cheat.

Scavenger hunt: There will be 5 items sprinkled along the way with vague details as to their whereabouts. Be the first to find that item and snatch it! Bring it with you all the way to the end, and earn yourself a wild card on your poker hand! Find all 5, and have the highest hand of the day! (Must still have a completed poker card stamped at each poker stop. We can’t have you just out there looking for my shit)

Hotel details to be announced soon.

Email any questions to: 8ballcoast2coast@gmail.com